Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Best Treatments for Hair Loss

There have been a lot of research conducted on hair loss. Both men and women experience this problem and they are usually frustrated and devastated when they realize their beautiful hair is falling out.

In order to treat hair loss you have to learn why hair loss happens in the first place. Most men with hair loss are suffering from a condition known as male pattern baldness. The other name for this hair loss condition is androgenetic alopecia. The main cause of this condition is due to genetics. Even though this condition can occur at any age, as you get older it will get worse. When you have male pattern baldness it means that the testosterone in your body has converted into DHT. DHT is also known as dehydrotestosterone and it can lead to hair falling out and not growing back. 

Things such as stress, anxiety, medical conditions, chemotherapy, bad dieting, and hormonal imbalance can contribute to hair loss problems. Stress is also another factor that can bring on hair loss.

When you experience your hair falling out the first thing you want to know is how to regrow your hair. There are medications you can take to stop hair loss and help your hair to grow back. These medications work by inhibiting the actions of the DHT hormone. Minoxidil is one of these medications that helps fight off hair loss. The brand name of this medication is Rogaine and it requires a prescription to use it. There is a full list of medications for hair loss on this link

You will have to apply it topically to your scalp to help stimulate hair growth. it has been approved by the FDA, but that doesn't mean it won't cause any side effects. Finasteride is another medication that helps stop hair loss and reduce thinning. This requires a prescription as well and it has been approved by the FDA. 

The important thing to note is that taking this drug can take up to 3 months to see results.
Other than medications there are also surgical procedures that you can take advantage of. One of these surgical procedures is hair transplant. With a hair transplant the scalp will be removed from the back and the sides to fill in the bald spots on the head. The success rate of this procedure is pretty high, but there are some risks involved.

Another surgical procedure that seems to help hair loss sufferers is scalp reduction. This surgical procedure will decrease the bald spot on the scalp.

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